Gmail Keyboard shortcuts: 1- Combo keys

Shortcut Key  Definition  Action
tab then enter   Send message  After composing your message, use this combination to send it automatically. (Supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox, on Windows.)
y then o  Archive and next  Archives your conversation and moves to the next one.
g then a  Go to 'All Mail'  Takes you to 'All Mail,' the storage site for all mail you've ever sent or received (and have not deleted).
g then s  Go to 'Starred'  Takes you to all conversations you have starred.
g then c  Go to 'Contacts'  Takes you to your Contacts list.
g then d  Go to 'Drafts'  Takes you to all drafts you have saved.
g then l  Go to 'Label'  Takes you to the search box with the "label:" operator filled in for you.
g then i  Go to 'Inbox'  Returns you to the inbox.
g then t  Go to 'Sent Mail'  Takes you to all mail you've sent.
* then a  Select all  Selects all mail.
* then n  Select none  Deselects all mail.
* then r  Select read  Selects all mail you've read.
* then u  Select unread  Selects all unread mail.
* then s  Select starred  Selects all starred mail.
* then t  Select unstarred  Selects all unstarred mail.